

Avoid these common mistakes when planning an estate.

Although every 遗产规划 is unique, most 遗产规划ning blunders are not. Regardless of the details of your personal situation or your estate goals, it's worth your time to review these six common 遗产规划ning pitfalls and learn how to avoid them.


忽视建立一个 遗产规划 是你能犯的最严重的错误吗. 如果你死的时候没有 or 遗产规划, your assets 将 be distributed by your state's court system in accordance with your state's intestacy statutes. The benefit of having an 遗产规划 is that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.


Many people don't discuss their 遗产规划 with those who are involved in important decision making and are impacted by the distribution of assets such as 指定受益人, 执行人 还有一个有授权书的人. The benefit of keeping everyone informed is that it 将 help minimize confusion and provide clear direction on how you want your assets handled.


Creating a comprehensive 遗产规划 is complex and can be overwhelming for someone who isn't familiar with all of the legal and tax aspects involved in the process. 的好处 向专业人士咨询 are that they offer guidance to help you avoid mistakes and create a comprehensive plan that addresses all of your needs.


Failing to update your 遗产规划 could lead to unintended consequences such as your assets not being distributed according to your wishes. It's important to keep in mind that over time things 将 change. Keeping your 遗产规划 updated, especially during important 生活事件, 将 ensure that your 遗产规划 is current so your assets are distributed as intended.


If the beneficiaries on your life insurance policy, investment accounts and retirement accounts are not reviewed regularly and kept up to date, the proceeds could go to someone that you did not intend, 比如你的前配偶. The benefit of keeping your beneficiaries up to date is that these account designations typically take precedence over whatever you may have written in your 将.

6) Forgetting to include health care in your 遗产规划

If you don't include health care as a part of your 遗产规划, important medical decisions 将 be made for you if you can't make them for yourself. An 预先保健指示, also known as a living 将, covers these matters. The benefit of having a living 将 is that it provides guidance to your doctors and health care workers to make important medical decisions related to your care if you're unable to make them for yourself. It also takes the burden off of loved ones making these decisions for you.

遗产计划很复杂, 虽然有些错误可能是次要的, 其他的可能会产生严重的后果. Avoid them by getting help from a professional to make sure your plan accurately reflects your wishes.

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When named the executor of a 将 t在这里 are many responsibilities to fulfill.


Some people choose to write a 将 without a lawyer with the aid of a variety of online and digital tools.


Marriage, death and divorce are definite times you should review your 遗产规划. 这里还有一些其他的.


保护你的孩子, providing for your health care and offering legal directives if you are unable: Those are just a few reasons why 遗产规划ning is important.