
When your student is ready for college, will you be ready, too?

Higher education can be expensive, and paying for it seems challenging. 但你不必一个人去做. 让我们帮你计划和储蓄. A State Farm®注册代理 can explain these options and then help you tailor your plan for the future.



了解更多有关State Farm®529储蓄计划的信息

Every dollar you invest is a dollar your student won’t have to repay

The average student in the Class of 2021 had $39,351 in student loan debt1. The monthly payment on that could be $437/month … for ten years. That’s money a graduate might not be able to put toward a new home, 开始创业或组建家庭.


If you begin now and make regular contributions into a 储蓄 plan from State Farm, 即使是适度的量也会随着时间的推移而显著增加.

假设说明:这张图表说明了每月(在每月的第一天)向大学储蓄账户投资150美元,年收益率为7%, 每月复利一次,直到孩子年满18岁. 这个假设只是为了说明的目的. 它并不反映对任何特定大学储蓄计划或州立农场529计划的实际投资.



使用这个计算器 当你为上大学存钱的时候.


在一生中, 拥有学士学位的学生可以获得400美元,比拥有高中学历的人多出1000人.2

Annual median earnings of full-time year-round workers ages 25 and older, by education level.2

You don’t have to pay the high cost of higher education on your own

It’s often helpful to encourage 朋友 and family to contribute to education 储蓄. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, and 朋友 may all welcome the opportunity to help your student. 毕竟,教育是一份持续一生的礼物. 玩具坏了,衣服穿不长了, a deposit into an education 储蓄 plan will still be appreciated.

Today, parents often combine their own money with loans, gifts, grants and scholarships

1 thecollegeinvestor.com, "Average Student Loan Debt By Year (Graduating Class)" Robert Farrington. 2023年6月23日.

2 高等教育趋势系列. 2023年教育付费. 高等教育对个人和社会的好处. 詹妮弗·马. Matea Pender和Meredith Welch:大学理事会.

Customers who currently have a Coverdell 教育储蓄 Account (ESA) should 联系他们的州立农场代理 有问题吗?.


The State Farm 529储蓄计划 (the "Plan") is sponsored by the State of Nebraska, 由内布拉斯加州财政部长管理, 作为受托人, and the 内布拉斯加州投资委员会 provides investment oversight. 联合银行 & Trust Company will serve as program manager and 北方信托证券, Inc. 将作为经销商. 本计划在内布拉斯加州教育储蓄计划信托(“信托”)内提供一系列投资选择,该信托提供与本计划无关的其他投资选择. 该计划旨在作为合格的学费计划运作,仅用于节省合格的教育费用, 根据《pp王者电子官网》第529条.S. 国内税收法典.

投资者应考虑本计划的投资目标, 风险, 投资前的费用和开支. 项目披露声明在 ydspd.com® which contains more information, should be read carefully before investing.

投资者在投资前应考虑他们或其受益人所在的州是否提供任何州税或其他州福利,如经济援助, 奖学金基金, 债权人的保护只适用于投资于这样的州的合格学费计划,应该咨询他们的税务顾问, 律师和/或其他法律顾问, 投资或税务情况.

没有联邦存款pp王者电子官网公司pp王者电子官网* |没有银行担保|可能失去价值

都不是州立农场® 其代理人也不提供税务或法律咨询.

参与本计划并不保证供款及供款的投资回报, 如果有任何, will be adequate to cover future tuition and other higher education expenses, 或者受益人将被合格的教育机构录取或允许继续就读.

This material is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, 税务或投资建议, 或为了避免根据美国法律可能施加的惩罚.S. 联邦税法. This material is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. 任何在计划内出售单位的要约只能通过与计划相关的计划披露声明和参与协议作出.

内布拉斯加州教育储蓄计划信托 发行人

内布拉斯加州财政部长 受托人

内布拉斯加州投资委员会 投资的监管

联合银行信托 项目经理

州立农场副总裁管理公司. 销售经销商

北方信托证券 经销商,FINRA成员,SIPC



Account owners do not own shares of the underlying investments, or, 就银行储蓄投资期权而言, 直接持有储蓄账户, 而是拥有国家农场529储蓄计划提供的个人投资选择的权益.

资产未用于符合条件的费用, 提款的收入部分需缴纳联邦所得税和额外10%的联邦税,可能还需缴纳州税和地方税. 合格的高等教育费用包括学费, 费用, 教科书, 入学或出勤所需的用品和设备(包括计算机),以及学生在符合条件的教育机构注册至少一半的学期内的某些食宿费. 特殊需要学生的入学或出勤费用也可能符合条件.

If the account owner dies before the end of the five-year period, a prorated portion of the contribution will be included in his or her taxable estate. 如果你的捐款少于80美元,000年最大的, additional contribution can be made without incurring federal gift taxes, 按比例最高可达16美元,000元/年. 联邦赠与税可能导致如果捐款超过可用的年度赠与税豁免金额为受益人在捐赠的一年.

当内布拉斯加州提供的所有计划中为该受益人保留的所有帐户的公平市场价值达到500美元时,不得为任何受益人提供额外供款,000. 资产可以超过50万美元.

“家庭成员”包括一个儿子, 女儿, 继子, step女儿 or a descendant of any such person; a brother, 妹妹, 同父异母的弟弟, or step妹妹; the father or mother, or an ancestor of either; a stepfather or stepmother; a son or 女儿 of a brother or 妹妹; a brother or 妹妹 of the mother; a son-in-law, 儿媳, 岳父, 婆婆, 姐夫, or 妹妹-in-law; the spouse of the beneficiary or the spouse of any individual described above; or a first cousin of the beneficiary. 为了确定谁是“家庭成员”,“个人合法收养的子女或寄养的子女,按血缘关系视为该个人的子女. The terms “brother” and “妹妹” include half-brothers and half-妹妹s.

合格的教育机构包括美国认可的高等教育机构或职业学校,以及一些国外提供学士学位学分的学校, 副学士学位, 研究生学位或专业学位, 或其他认可的高等教育证书. 看到 www.fafsa.ed.gov /.


在State Farm 共同基金网站上提及的每一项投资产品和服务都旨在提供给居住在美国的客户或潜在客户. 客户的U.S. 永久居住地址必须是街道地址. 本网站不应被视为向任何司法管辖区的任何人招揽或提供任何投资产品或服务,如该等招揽或提供是非法的.

业务 Continuity Plan Disclosure for 州立农场副总裁管理公司.

州立农场副总裁管理公司. 是否制定了业务连续性计划,说明我们将如何应对严重影响业务的事件. Since the timing and impact of disasters and disruptions is unpredictable, we will have to be flexible in responding to actual events as they occur. With that in mind, we are providing you with this information on our business continuity plan.

联络我们- 在一次重大的业务中断之后, 如果您不能像往常一样pg电子官方网页版,请拨打1-800-321-7520, you should contact your registered State Farm agent or go to our web site at ydspd.com®.

我们的业务连续性计划- 我们计划在重大业务中断后尽快恢复并恢复业务运营,并通过保护我们的员工和财产做出回应, 进行财务和业务评估, 保护公司的账簿和记录, 并允许我们的客户进行交易. 简而言之, our business continuity plan is designed to permit our firm to resume operations as quickly as possible, given the scope and severity of the significant business disruption.

Our business continuity plan addresses: data back-up and recovery; all mission critical systems; financial and operational assessments; alternative communications with customers, 员工, and regulators; alternate physical location of 员工; critical supplier, 承包商, bank and counter-party impact; regulatory reporting; and procedures to help ensure that our customers have prompt access to their funds and securities if we are unable to continue our business.

我们的业务连续性计划可能会被修订或修改. If changes are made, an updated summary will be promptly posted on our website (ydspd.com),或致电以下电话索取最新摘要,并要求我们将书面副本邮寄给您.

〇各种中断 重大业务中断的范围各不相同, 比如只有我们公司, 我们公司就在一栋楼里, 我们公司所在的商业区, 我们所在的城市, 或者整个地区. Within each of these areas, the severity of the disruption can also vary from minimal to severe. In a disruption to only our firm or a building housing our firm, 我们可以在需要时将我们的业务转移到本地站点,并期望在1个工作日内恢复并恢复业务. 在影响我们商业区的混乱中, 城市, 或地区, we will transfer our operations to a site outside of the affected area, and expect to recover and resume business within 3 business days. 在任何情况下, 我们打算继续经营下去, 必要时转移操作, 并通过我们的网站通知你 ydspd.com,或我们的客户号码如何pg电子官方网页版. 在不太可能发生的情况下,重大的业务中断是如此严重,它阻止我们继续经营下去, 我们的计划提供了程序,以帮助确保我们的客户能够迅速获得他们的资金和证券.

在上述所有情况下, 鉴于可能发生的各种类型的中断以及每种紧急情况都会造成独特的问题, it may take longer to resume operations during any particular disruption. If you have questions about our business continuity planning, you can contact us at 1-800-321-7520.

Important Information about Procedures for Opening a New Account

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, 联邦法律要求所有金融机构获得, 验证, and record information that identifies each person who opens an Account.

这对你意味着什么:当你开了一个账户, 我们会问你的名字, address, date of birth and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

