

Whether taking a dip in a pool or natural body of water, adults and kids alike should play it safe.

Swimming is a great activity for all ages and can provide many physical benefits. 然而, it’s important to prioritize swim safety to help avoid risk and create an enjoyable experience.

溺水——根据 疾病控制和预防中心 — is the leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 1 to 4 years, and the second leading cause for children ages 5 to 14 years in the United 状态s. / 4,每年发生000起致命的意外溺水事件, so follow water safety precautions no matter w在这里 you and your family swim.


  • 尽量让孩子在很小的时候就上游泳课. 正式的游泳课程可以帮助降低溺水的风险 在儿童. Many cities have swimming lessons available through local parks and recreation programs as well as gyms with pools. 你也可以向红十字会查询 在你所在的地区寻找游泳课程.
  • 学习心肺复苏术. 知道 如何进行心肺复苏术 可能意味着生与死的区别. 向红十字会查询一下 注册你所在地区的心肺复苏术课程.
  • 只使用U.S. 海岸警卫队批准的救生衣. 年轻或没有经验的游泳者应穿着认可的救生衣. 不要替代任何充气或泡沫玩具. 它们不是为了保证游泳者的安全而设计的.
  • 孩子们应该经常有人监督. 不管你是在后院, 公共游泳池或海滩上的公共游泳池, 确保有一个负责任的, 儿童游泳时指定专人看守. Avoid spending time on your phone — it can take five seconds for a child to be submerged and 25 seconds to drown.
  • 和朋友一起游泳. 这是所有年龄段游泳者的主要练习,包括成年人.
  • 游泳的. Avoid using alcohol or drugs (recreational and/or certain prescriptions) while swimming or watching over other swimmers. It can impair your judgment, balance, coordination and your body's ability to stay warm.
  • 尽量不要过度呼吸. Breathing faster and/or deeper — before swimming underwater or trying to hold a breath for a long period of time — could cause a swimmer to pass out and drown. 游泳时建议放松,呼吸正常.
  • 脚先入水. Serious injuries — including paralysis — can occur from diving headfirst into unknown water and hitting the bottom. Enter headfirst only when the area is clearly marked for diving and has no obstructions.
  • 下水前先测水温. 跳入冷水中会使你的身体受到冲击, elevate your heart rate and blood pressure and can also slow your muscles, 使游泳变得困难.
  • 手边有电话. No matter w在这里 you are swimming, the ability to call 911 in an emergency could be a lifesaver.


  • 用适当的屏障保护池. 这是明智的, 在某些情况下是必需的, to install a four-foot or taller fence around backyard pools and use self-closing and self-latching gates that open away from the pool.
  • 考虑安全警报. 如果你的房子正对着泳池, 您可能需要安装门报警器或自闭门. Using a surface wave sensor or underwater alarm can help provide added protection from accidental falls into the pool.
  • 如果孩子不见了,一定要先检查游泳池. If a child has fallen into the pool, every second counts in preventing an accidental drowning.
  • 不使用时清空便携式水池. 孩子们只要一英寸深的水就会淹死. See that all portable inflatable and baby pools are drained and put away immediately after use.
  • 不使用时将玩具从池中取出. 他们可以吸引小孩子到游泳池里去. 最好把它们放在看不见的地方.
  • 随身携带一个安全工具箱. 在紧急情况下,保持一个 急救箱 within reach that includes a pair of scissors to cut hair, clothing or a pool cover. 生活saving equipment such as life rings and reaching poles are also recommended.
  • 远离泳池排水沟. 如果排水管有问题,四肢、头发或衣服可能会缠在一起. If you suspect they may not be functioning properly, ask your pool service provider to inspect them.
  • 遵守张贴的安全规则. 这些通常包括不跑,推或扣篮.


Natural bodies of water present an increased risk of injury, especially ocean waters. 在荒野探险时,请记住:

  • 在救生员附近游泳. It's estimated that the chance of drowning at a beach protected by trained lifeguards is 每年不到1千8百万分之一. 生活guards can also advise you on the safest place to swim and what areas to avoid. If t在这里's no lifeguard on duty, pack your own flotation device for emergencies.
  • 呆在指定的游泳区域内. They are usually marked by ropes or buoys and are more likely to be free of weeds, 水下地形多岩等危险.
  • 小心离岸流. 他们很强大, channeled currents of water flowing away from shore that can occur at any beach with breaking waves, 包括五大湖. 如果你发现自己陷入其中, 与海岸平行游,直到你离开激流, 然后游回岸边. 如果你累了,就仰面漂浮,踢脚.
  • 不要在被污染的水中游泳. 注意警告标志或有关水污染的警告. 天然水体不像水池那样经过化学处理, 所以传播细菌的风险更高. Don't drink the water and plug your nose when your head is submerged. Never swim while sick or with an open cut, and always shower after swimming. If you're unsure whether water is clean enough to swim in, consider not getting in.
  • 了解自己的极限. 在开放水域游泳和在游泳池游泳有很大的不同. Cold water, currents and other dangerous conditions can challenge even the strongest swimmers. 如果你不确定自己的极限, you may want to start out slowly and not venture too far from shore.



  • 靠近陆地 在指定的游泳区域游泳.
  • 不要潜入浅水或未知水域. 岩石和其他危险可能就在地表之下.
  • 坚持穿救生衣 如果你或你身边的人游泳能力较弱.
  • 查看天气. 不要游泳 闪电 在天气预报中.
  • 休息一下 如果你开始感到冷、累或饿.
  • 监督你的游泳同伴 并且知道 如何识别溺水的迹象 当你看到他们.



  • 无意识的游泳运动员. 如果你能让受害者安全着陆,动作要快. 如果需要,开始心肺复苏术,并拨打911.
  • 体温过低. 防止热量进一步散失. 慢慢地使受害者暖和起来,并立即就医. 为了帮助快速行动,知道 征兆与原因 体温过低的.

当涉及到水和泳池安全时,知识是关键. 从小教育孩子, 让自己随时了解情况, 能帮助提供终身安全游泳吗.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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帮助 stay safe on the water by being prepared with these boat safety tips.




Follow these ocean safety tips when you are out in the open water swimming.