Infographic that shows how to spot a roof leak and what to do if you have one.


What are the signs of a roof leak, and what steps should you take to stop the damage? 当你面对漏水的屋顶时,你应该做些什么.

Most homeowners or renters might be able to tell you the age of their roof, 但除此之外, 有不确定性. 屋顶漏水, for example: The first sign of a leaking roof for many is a stain on a ceiling or wall. 幸运的是, t在这里 are some clear steps you can take to learn how to find a roof leak and help stop damage before it gets worse.

例如, a simple visual inspection of roof shingles — while standing safely on the ground — can help you identify spots w在这里 the roof might be wearing unevenly or w在这里 shingles are missing or damaged. 排水沟 and downspouts should be in good condition and kept free of debris that may prevent water from draining off the roof.

What are the early warning signs that you have a roof leak, 如果你发现屋顶漏水该怎么办? Many roof leaks make an appearance during a heavy rainstorm, but other signs may indicate that you have a hidden roof leak that's causing damage.



  • 模具: Any signs of mold or mildew may indicate moisture is entering the home.
  • 潮湿或污迹: Check ceilings and walls for bubbles in the paint or water stains.


  • 屋顶瓦: Look for missing, torn, cracked, curling or damaged shingles.
  • 屋顶闪烁: Cracks in the caulk or missing pieces may allow water to seep in.
  • 排水沟: 排水沟的部分是否下垂? 下雨时排水沟溢出来了吗?


  • Damage to the interior of your home and your personal property.
  • 从湿滑的表面掉落的危险.


Whether or not you know w在这里 the leak is entering your home, contact a roofing specialist to help you find the specific source of the leak and make temporary repairs.


  • It's important to have your roof routinely inspected and maintained by a professional roofing contractor.
  • Keep tree limbs cut back to prevent them from touching the roofing surface.
  • When leaks occur, get them fixed as quickly as you can — newer roofs may simply require repair; 旧屋顶可能需要更换.

看看这些简单的见解了解更多 关于维护房屋的小贴士.

Many roof leaks make an appearance during a heavy rainstorm, but other signs may indicate that you have a hidden roof leak that's causing damage.



  • 模具: Any signs of mold or mildew may indicate moisture is entering the home.
  • 潮湿或污迹: Check ceilings and walls for bubbles in the paint or water stains.

  • 屋顶瓦: Look for missing, twisted or warped pieces.
  • 屋顶闪烁: Cracks or missing pieces may allow water to seep in.
  • 排水沟: Dripping or drooping gutters may not redirect water away from the roof.


  • 阁楼和天花板损坏
  • 人身财产损失
  • 霉菌和霉菌
  • 从潮湿的表面掉落的危险
  • 损坏电力和暖通空调系统


If you don't know w在这里 the leak is entering your home: 联系 a roofing specialist to help locate the source of the leak.

If you know w在这里 the leak is entering your home: Safely cover the area with a tarp, 如果你有能力, 停止水流. 如果您需要帮助,请联系屋顶专家.


  • 保持排水沟清洁,畅通无阻
  • Trim tree branches so they do not cover or lean on the roof
  • 定期检查屋顶

尽快修复漏洞是很重要的. Newer roofs may simply require repair, while 旧屋顶可能需要更换.


The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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