Child planting a tree with his mother

帮助 save trees from the emerald ash borer

翠绿灰蛀虫毁坏了数百万棵树. Learn how to spot an infested ash tree.

Though the emerald ash borer (EAB) may sound like an imaginary creature, the risk it poses to trees is all too real. 你可以采取一些措施来帮助控制它的传播,防止昆虫对你的财产造成持久的伤害.


绿灰蛀虫是一种亚洲甲虫,在美国北部的白蜡树上出没. The beetles feed on — and eventually kill — the trees they inhabit. If you have an ash tree in your yard, 采取预防措施,通过学习如何识别祖母绿灰蛀虫的损害,帮助保持安全. (A dying tree can shed limbs and harm your property or your family.)

翡翠灰蛀虫 were first discovered in North America in southeast Michigan in 2002. 自那以后,这种耐寒的甲虫向东扩散到马萨诸塞州,向西扩散到科罗拉多州, 部分原因是人们将受感染的树木或木材运送到未受感染的地区.

通常从10毫米到13毫米不等, the vast majority of EABs have predominantly green carapaces, ranging from metallic to emerald green in color. 除了绿色的身体, the outer coloration can include red, often described as brass or copper. 虽然非常罕见,但也有目击到完全是红色,铜色的eab. 幸运的是,有一种方便的方法可以识别这种昆虫,不管它在外面是什么颜色. On the upper side of the abdomen, 在翅膀下, 腹部是深的, 亮红色, also typically described as coppery. 通常, this is only viewable if the wings are raised, so you may need to wait for one to take flight to identify it, 但绿灰螟是北美唯一一种具有这种明显红色腹部的昆虫(灰螟).


绿灰螟幼虫在灰树皮上孵化,然后钻进树洞以树为食. 通常 laid near the crown of the tree, 翡翠灰螟卵 are reddish-brown and usually around 1mm (0.04英寸). 这种入侵破坏了树木的营养系统,最终导致树木死亡. Be cautious around any trees you suspect are infested with EABs, as a dying tree can shed limbs which could potentially harm you, 你的家人或财产.

Early detection can be difficult but is key to preventing spread. 你可以开始识别 signs of emerald ash borer damage by learning the general warning 树木生病或垂死的迹象. Some common signs of EAB damage include:

  • 啄木鸟的洞
  • 树皮损失
  • 树冠顶部的叶子变薄(随着甲虫吞噬树木而向下发展)
  • Vertical splits in the bark, indicating that larvae are feeding underneath

In addition to the signs listed above, 重要的是要注意,成年的绿灰钻孔虫在离开树时留下了d形的洞. If you’re worried about a possible EAB infestation, consider reading an emerald ash borer identification guide 帮你解读这些符号.


Prevention is an effective way to help keep your tree healthy. 第一步是让专业人士检查你的树,他们可以确定是否还有其他需要解决的问题.

four types of treatment for emerald ash borers, all of which are typically applied during the spring for maximum effect:

  • 土壤注射: One of the two most common treatments, 土壤注射是指在树根下方施用杀虫剂, allowing it to be carried up the roots and eventually throughout the tree.
  • 树干注射: The second commonly used treatment, 树干注射是指将杀虫剂直接注射到树干中,开始清除虫害的一种治疗方法. 这在无法获得土壤或难以获得土壤的情况下尤其有用.
  • 树皮喷: 这种治疗是一种简单有效的方法,因为它比注射方法需要更少的直接干预. 树皮喷雾不需要先进的设备或专业人员的专业知识,所以一旦发现感染,房主就可以使用它. 把它涂在树皮上,它会渗透到树皮上,并把树皮带到树干的中心.
  • 树冠喷雾: Targeting the canopy at the top of the tree, 冠层喷雾是指将杀虫剂雾化喷洒在病树冠层上的一种处理方法. 如果eb已经在树的顶部附近居住,这将是有帮助的. 然而, this method’s effectiveness is affected by factors like air drift, 减少了对化学物质的控制,降低了使用的精度. 与常规的 树修剪, you may find it helpful in protecting the upper part of your tree.

有 also DIY treatments for emerald ash borers. 它是至关重要的, 然而, 选择一种浓度足够高的产品,并在正确的剂量和时间使用.

Keep or cut: Determining if an ash tree can be saved

While we would all generally like to conserve our trees, it is not always feasible or prudent to do so. At those times, cutting down an ash tree may be the best course of action. 对于EAB的侵扰,树木的健康在决定中起着主要作用.

第一步是评估你的树. 如果这棵树因为虫害而失去了一半以上的叶子, the USDA Forest Service suggests it's likely better off being removed. But if the tree is still healthy and retains the majority of its canopy, 做好治疗准备可能正是它完全康复所需要的.

But that’s just considering the tree’s condition itself. 你可能还需要考虑更多的财政问题,比如把这棵树移走要花多少钱, 治疗费用, 还有更抽象的考虑,比如这棵树的情感价值或它对周围地区的美学影响. Whether or not you decide to proceed with removing it, you may find these 修剪树木的小技巧 helpful for resizing or simply keeping the branches manageable!


使用一个 翡翠灰蛀虫地图,你可以了解到你所在地区是否发现了绿灰蛀虫. 如果你怀疑附近有虫害,杀虫剂可以帮助保护你财产上的树木. 然而,你可能会考虑砍伐受感染的树木,然后烧掉或埋葬它们.

状态s are working to quarantine areas of infested ash trees. 你可以通过将受感染的木材远离未受感染的地区来帮助防止传播. 除此之外, 密切关注你的树木——并知道要注意什么——是帮助防止祖母绿灰蛀虫蔓延的有效方法.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm无关的各种来源® (包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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